What Exactly Are We All Rushing Back To?

Self-care strategies to help you achieve more

Emma Colsey-Nicholls
8 min readJul 28, 2020
Photo Credit — Styled Stock Society

In a moment of hot sweat and a feeling of not having enough time, I noticed myself back in the space of feeling rushing through my days. Being constantly on the go and as though I’m always on the verge of being late for something.

I had to catch myself for a moment as I have noticed this feeling coming back over the last few weeks, as it’s in those moments from rushing from one place to another

Whilst we are all craving coming back to some form of normality, it actually begs the question of what are we wanting to get back too, exactly??

I really love so many aspects of how my life and my days roll out but as I’m always working on being in a space of self-awareness, I noticed this feeling creeping back in and that’s always a trigger to do something about it.

After being in lockdown, a time when we were all forced to slow down, to stop, to gain a little perspective, to take the time to do the things that maybe we have always wanted to do but just never had the time (erm, anyone else out there feeling pretty proud of the vegetables that your have managed to grow??)

For many, this was the forced rest, possibly also unwillingly for a lot, and yet it encouraged us all to look…



Emma Colsey-Nicholls

Women’s Health and lifestyle coach. Top writer in Health. I write about health, habit creation and how to be a happier you. https://emmacolseynicholls.co.uk